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Friday, September 19, 2014

A New Start...Again...

I have often tried time and time again to start a "Mommy Blog". Every time being a failure. I'm sure people are huffing telling themselves not another one Christina, come on! Well yes, yet another. This time though, there is no idea or theme behind my blog. I will blog about whatever I want to. Somethings will, yes, be about being a mom. I'm not perfect, and I'm definitely NOT a perfect mother. So to just get it out there and pray that there are other mothers out there who are also going through, or already been through what I post about. But, some topics will be so random. I'm new to homeschooling, so this is a new step for me. I have a lot of thoughts and concerns when it comes to it. So you can expect some post on that as well.

I feel like God has given me the gift of "Examples" and "Speaking" so to say. I love to encourage people, and give them examples I have either lived through, or got from other wise counsel. I would never give advice to someone that I have no clue about. But I always tell people, no matter the situation, turn to God in prayer, read His wise words (aka open your bible and start reading) and listen for that still small voice. That is the best advice you can get. Back on topic now...

I have a lot to say, and sometimes I don't have a outlet to say it. So here I am again. I'm not looking to boost this blog so that i get a lot of followers, or views so that it becomes a hit. If that is the future for my blog, then the Lord will see it through.

I will continue to pray for this, and pray that someone out there will be encouraged by my words and that God will use me as a example and guide me to do His will.

May the Lord forever Bless you *smile*