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Thursday, October 9, 2014

Rainbow Pizza!!!!

Oh how I love the sight of a beautiful rainbow. Its always a reminder of how much our God loves us and how amazing He is that He always keeps His promises. So its nice to be able to say I can make that rainbow and that amazing feeling always come. And if you live in Southern California right now you know the feeling of not seeing a rainbow in a while. *giggle* We have had NO rain in so long we are in a nasty drought.

But anyways. This is a recipe that I learned from my mother. We called it something different when I was growing up, "Fruit Pizza", and it was ALWAYS a hit when we would take it to parties, meetings and family gatherings. As I got older and started have kids of my own the named ended up changing while we were learning about Noah and the Ark. It was so perfect for a end of lesson "home ec" project. *smile* I have also made this just because I love making it! I like it more than anything...except Red Robin's ranch dressing! *giggle* And still after years it is a HIT wherever it goes. I am always approached and asked if I could provide the recipe. So with it is...

What you’ll need:

  • Crescent Dinner Roll Dough (i buy what's on sale, it all taste the same anyways *smile*)
  • Pizza Pan
  • 8oz Original Cream Cheese block (again what's on sale)
  • Sugar
  • Canned Sliced Pineapple (i get the big 20oz can)
  • Canned Mandarin Oranges ( i use about two 11oz cans)
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwi
  • Blueberries
  • Grapes ( i use the purple ones..seedless of course)

{{*Note: I like to cut and baggy all my fruit the night before. It just makes one less thing for me to do. And about 15min before you start set out your cream cheese so its soft when you need to use it*}}

  1. Preheat the oven according to the directions on the crescent rolls. During this time you can peel and cut the fruit {Strawberries (i like to cut them in slices), Kiwi (peel and cut), and Grapes (i like to cut these in fourths)}. Now i do this part the night before, so this is usually where I say a little prayer of peace and to help really enjoy this time either by myself or with my kids.
  2. Making the “Crust”.Spray some non-stick baking spray on your pizza pan. Roll out the crescent dough on a pizza pan. Squishing it together to make a good thick crust. I use about 3 cans myself. {If you like more of a thin crust you can make it that too. Its your pizza *smile*} Spread the it a little over on the lip of the pan (or towards the edge), the crust will shrink inward so spreading it out that little extra will give you a little extra *smile*. Now pop that in the oven according the time time on the package.
  3. Now you get to get your hands dirty...well ‘cheesed’. Let’s make the “Sauce”. Take the cream cheese and plop two of those blocks in a mixing bowl. I like a sweet “sauce” so i add about 1 ½ cups of sugar. But I have been making this for awhile so i know the taste i like. So i would start off with ½ cup of sugar and add to taste. Mixing it is NO JOKE *smile*. So be prepared for a arm workout. Mix this till it is like the texture of frosting.
  4. Now AFTER your crust is cool, spread the sauce on evenly. {After draining the water from the can} Evenly spread the pineapple slices on top of the sauce. {{This is the BEST time to cut the pizza. Once you add all the other fruit on it gets more difficult.}} Then add the rest of the fruit; Strawberries, Kiwi, Mandarin oranges, Blueberries, and Grapes.
  5. Take a picture of your beautiful Rainbow Pizza and post it tagging #FaithAndSweetTeaCreations or tag me @faithnsweettea. I cant wait to see yours *smile*
  6. Place in fridge till ready to serve and then ENJOY!!